20 ways to play with your Magblox and Magbrix magnetic tiles
One of the best open-ended toy, magnetic tiles are so versatile, it became a staple in every playroom! Here are 20 ways to play with magnetic tiles! Note: I'm a brand representative for Magblox . But you can also use other brands for these types of play. 1.Explore Transparency and opacity Grab your Magbrix set and play with them on the light table! Or better yet, go out on a sunny and see the clear sky! 2. Mandalas These reminds me of those parols you see in the Philippines during Christmas season. Oh the joy of having all the colours you want! 3. Light table Explore colours with a light table! You can also DIY a light table with a transparent container (the bigger, the better!) and some fairy lights! 4. Refraction and reflection Out on a sunny day? Grab your Magblox with out for an outdoor build and explore reflection and refraction. 5. Small World Play Or just build your own small world outside! 6. Rough and Smooth Surprise in a B ag! A...